Selected Path:

Please Select a JSON object
{ }

What is ? is a premier JSON path finder online tool, expertly crafted to streamline the process of identifying paths within JSON data structures for users.

This website enables users to effortlessly input JSON data and select their desired values through an
intuitive visual panel. Once a value is selected, quickly locates and displays the exact path to the specified value. This functionality is pivotal for users aiming to efficiently navigate and extract essential data from intricate JSON configurations.

Serving as an essential online resource, caters to the needs of professionals and enthusiasts alike who require seamless access to and management of JSON data,
enhancing our productivity and data handling capabilities.

What can do?

Automatically generate the mock JSON data you need: Use AI to automatically generate mock JSON data for you, no more worries about data.

Online JSON Viewer and Formatter: You can easily convert JSON strings into a friendly and readable format.

JSON Beautifier and Tree Viewer:This tool not only provides a tree view of JSON data but also supports formatting, making your JSON data neater and easier to manage.

JSON Editing,Formatting and Querying:You can edit JSON, format JSON, query JSON data here, allowing for instant modification and retrieval of data.

How to use ?

Step 1: Paste your JSON. - Paste your JSON data into the LEFT text editor.

Step 2: Select an item you want. - Select an item you want to find in your JSON data on the right panel.

Step 3: Copy the path of the JSON Object. - Copy the path of the JSON Object to the clipboard and replace '@' with the name of your variable.